5 things...

That made me smile this weekend...

(I think I may try to keep this post up like my weekly belly post)

We found a chair we LOVED that is very similar to the one we liked at crate and barrel-
we had a 20% off coupon and not only does it swivel and rock, it reclines! we got the chair
for over half of the price of the original one we picked out. (*ours will be khaki- not blue)

organizing Riley's room. still trying to decide where we want the furniture.
we like the bed there, but need to decide where the chair will fit if we leave it.

Seeing Christie, Tyler and Desirae at my surprise shower!
...and Andrew and Emalyn and everyone else I hadn't seen in so long!!!
i haven't see them all in so long!

spending the entire weekend by the pool! friday- surprise shower,
saturday- lazy day in the pool with *Heidi, Dillon, Elizabeth M., Liz, Marty, Dylan, Melissa,
Matt, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Tyler, Andrew, Mom, Dad and Nanny! and cooking out,
sunday- dinner by the pool (until the storm came)

the surprise baby shower that Emalyn gave me! it was incredible.


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