birth announcement canvas

I saw ideas similar with lettering from a computer and I figured- "Hey, i can paint that!" So- here I went. It was actually quite fun to try to decide how I wanted to lay it out. I went through several of my old paintings this week when my parents water heater went out. Mom called and asked me to gather my art supplies from the closet so they could get to it. I had tons of paints and brushes from high school and college in there. I even had stacks of my old still life paintings from college. Michael got a kick out of my naked woman paintings. "Did you really have to look at naked people?" Yep! It was fun and I would love to take some more painting classes. I only had one awkward encounter freshman year when the girl I was painting lived on my hall. It was all for art though, so it really wasn't that bad. I also found several small canvases that I had done as weekly homework assignments in my still life class and love some of them enough to possibly frame. I must say though, I am glad to be away from oils. It was a super fun medium to learn, but man it was tough. Anyway, here is my latest. Enjoy!

~let go laughing


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