summer is here!!!

It is officially summer! Yes, my summer starts when BB starts! (OK, and July 4th...)

BB14 started tonight! I am STOKED that Brit is back this year to be a coach. I am also a bit partial to Mike Boogie for obvious reasons. :) (think names, folks!) I do LOVE Brit though, so I think I'm pulling for her team for now. So, I'm only 30 minutes into the first episode and I already like Willy and the dark haired southern chick too. Jojo and Ashley bug me... 

Mind you these are all just first impressions, I could totally change my mind...

I have to say, I have watched the last bazillion (ok- like maybe 8) seasons here on my little island of love. It really makes me miss my  "big brother," Big Brian. We used to watch all the episodes together over on mom and dads couch. I miss him so much. I know he is smiling down on us though! Still riding around on that "scoot scoot." 

Anywho- I am off to finish watching! I'll be back to catch you all up on life and my favorite new workout gear soon! :)

~let go laughing!


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