Riley Olivia, Riley Michael or Liam Michael...
How Far Along: 13 weeks
Size of baby: the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain: idk. i'm at the beach. no need to get on the scale. still fit in my bikinis though! ;)
Maternity Clothes: i've been wearing the leggings and my old jeans with bella bands
Size of baby: the size of a peach
Total Weight Gain: idk. i'm at the beach. no need to get on the scale. still fit in my bikinis though! ;)
Maternity Clothes: i've been wearing the leggings and my old jeans with bella bands
Gender: after our ultrasound this week, we still think girl. We didn't see any manhood down there. ;)
Movement: maybe, not sure if it was the baby or gas. but boy is it moving in there! we have a tiny dancer on our hands!
Sleep: sleeping wonderfully
What I miss: nothing- i'm enjoying every minute of it! :)
Cravings: none
Symptoms: none
Best Moment this week: watching our little acrobat for 20 minutes on the ultrasound- we got to see him/her on the 4d setting and the regular ultrasound. he/she stretched it's arms up eye, rubbed its eyes and then started sucking his/her thumb. it was the most adorable thing EVER! we are thrilled to be parents and seeing that was incredible. (and knowing that the baby is measuring 1 weeks ahead, he/she is actually measuring at 14 weeks today!)
Sleep: sleeping wonderfully
What I miss: nothing- i'm enjoying every minute of it! :)
Cravings: none
Symptoms: none
Best Moment this week: watching our little acrobat for 20 minutes on the ultrasound- we got to see him/her on the 4d setting and the regular ultrasound. he/she stretched it's arms up eye, rubbed its eyes and then started sucking his/her thumb. it was the most adorable thing EVER! we are thrilled to be parents and seeing that was incredible. (and knowing that the baby is measuring 1 weeks ahead, he/she is actually measuring at 14 weeks today!)
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