36 weeks

Size of baby: over 18.5 inches long and around 6lbs
(average size of a baby at this point)
How Far Along: 36 weeks !!! only 4 to go!
What's your guess on her arrival???
Total Weight Gain: 28lbs (i must say, i am proud of myself!)
Maternity Clothes: it's funny because i look SO much bigger when i wear my maternity shirts.
i like my old shirts better. lol
Gender: it's a GIRL!! Riley Quinn
Movement: she's a wild one!
Sleep: only night that was bad was saturday because i slept for 11 hours friday night. every other night has been wonderful. i'm savoring it!
What I miss: my body
Cravings: none
Symptoms: just a lot of peeing this week!
Sleep: only night that was bad was saturday because i slept for 11 hours friday night. every other night has been wonderful. i'm savoring it!
What I miss: my body
Cravings: none
Symptoms: just a lot of peeing this week!
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