first comes love, then comes marriage...

then comes the baby in the baby carriage!!!!

 BabyFruit Ticker

I am feeling wonderful so far. Let's hope that feeling stays around. We are so excited. Our first ultrasound is on March 17th. At that appointment we should hear our little beans heartbeat and see the little flutter in my uterus. I don't know about you.. but I think that is absolutely crazy that in just 7 weeks of pregnancy you can already see that!!!! Right now the bean is the size of a poppy seed!

We are in Snowshoe, WV right now. It is beautiful. I have been skiing since I was 4 years old. I think after the major crowds go home I am going to go take it easy on some green slopes. The doctor told me that I could. I am most definitely a worry wart, but I think I will be OK if I take it easy on the small, simple slopes with no crowd. It is nice to have this break from work. We had planned this trip for Christmas break. My cousin passed away and we decided to stay home and be with family. I decided to take some personal days from work to come up this weekend. Since I will NOT be taking any more leave days unless absolutely necessary (saving for when my little one arrives) I am making the best of this trip and relaxing and reading and just taking it easy. It is awesome.

*Praying for a safe and healthy 9 months!

~let go laughing!!!


  1. Again, I am so excited for you and excited to read about your pregnancy journey!!!


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